It is useful to note that should you start as Karloman or somehow die as Karl you can follow this guide but Karloman will lack a Claim on Italy which is a requirement to forming the Holy Roman Empire but he will get the Saxon Wars all the same like his brother allowing for a powerful Frankish Empire and Holy Roman Empire by his descendants. If you have Way of Life I highly recommend Theology for the bonus health and the piety events since you will need a lot of it and the events can give good virtues which can help you and being a pilgrim can get you good traits such as charitable which makes your vassals like you more.Īround two weeks after the game has begun Karloman will be set as your rival putting a nail in the coffin of any peaceful cooperation between your two realms you are each other's heir so make sure Karl stays out of any battles or generally is safe the majority of the time, take this idle time to find a court physician. Check you De Jure mapmode and transfer any counts under their respective dukes this will free up your vassal limit greatly in preparation for the events to come. You also have direct control of counts who should be rightful vassals of your dukes and you are eating a -25 opinion penalty because of them. Important things to note are there are several dukes in Karl's realm which are heirless and Karl is their sucessor, one notable example is the duke of flanders, having him killed will give you a power base to control the rest of the Dukes.

I play with Quartered Demesne Limit and with the new Non-Aggression Pact faction blocker mechanic, marrying your daughters to the powerful vassals of the empire will allow you to reign absolute as any true Roman Emperor should. Day one of the game once you take Control of Karl you want to immedietly head to the realm law screen and implement title revocation, this is to ensure that the law is passed in the event the Council gets additional power which it shouldn't if you play around your vassals.